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Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives


“Prepare students for careers in the wood products industry by providing the education and essential skills for long-term career and life success. Students will demonstrate competence in communications, basic science and mathematics, computer use necessary to the industry, basic wood sciences, wood processing and manufacturing, contemporary issues of wood use including environmental issues and industrial and product safety, and a professional area of emphasis focusing upon forest operations and harvesting (Utilization) or Renewable Materials Marketing, Sustainable Low-Rise Residential Construction or Processing (an area based upon a University-approved minor coupled with coursework in the processing and use of wood products).”


Goal 1: Maintain and improve the resources necessary to a high quality program in Wood Science and Technology

  1. Maintain a faculty of at least five full-time, tenure-track positions augmenting this number with non-tenure track, part-time or joint appointments when appropriate.
  2. Provide a physical environment that is safe, healthful, and conducive to learning.
  3. Provide the laboratory and classroom facilities and equipment necessary to wood science education.
  4. To support and enhance a vigorous undergraduate program, maintain a high quality graduate program, faculty research, and public service in wood science.
  5. Enhance industry collaboration in our overall program.

Goal 2: Maintain and enhance the quality of our undergraduate curriculum and course offerings

  1. Provide the fundamental background essential to career success in wood science and technology.
  2. Improve student communications, critical thinking, problem-solving, and computational skills through the wood science core curriculum.
  3. Be accredited by the Society of Wood Science and Technology.
  4. Obtain accreditation of the Utilization Area of Emphasis by the Society of American Foresters.
  5. Adhere to the educational objectives of the profession as articulated in the appropriate accreditation standards.
  6. Implement the program’s Assessment Plan and ensure that identified curriculum strengths are maintained or enhanced and weaknesses strengthened.
  7. Review the curriculum at least every three years to keep up to date with changes in the industry as well as changes in undergraduate course offerings at WVU.
  8. Ensure that Wood Science and Technology courses reinforce the educational objectives of the program while avoiding unnecessary duplication of efforts.
  9. Adhere to the objectives of the WVU General Education Curriculum in teaching the program’s capstone courses.
  10. Better integrate wood science education with other curricula in the Division and University, especially Forest Resources Management.

Goal 3: Increase enrollment in the Wood Science and Technology program to ensure that the program does its part in meeting the recruiting goals of the Division and College.

  1. Be one of the three largest undergraduate programs in the United States in terms of undergraduate enrollment.
  2. Maintain, implement, and keep current a recruiting plan for the program.
  3. Increase the number of freshmen entering the program.
  4. Achieve greater diversity (women and minorities) among Wood Science and Technology students.
  5. Increase international recruiting and enrollment.

Goal 4: Improve the visibility of the Wood Science and Technology undergraduate program on campus and in the state and surrounding region.

  1. Generate publicity for the program and its outstanding students on campus and within the state and region.
  2. Collaborate with College and University supporting services such as recruiters, public relations, student services, etc. to enhance their awareness of our program.
  3. Offer at least one wood science course in the University’s General Education Curriculum.
  4. Maintain an attractive, informative, and up to date program web site.
  5. Ensure that faculty and student achievement is publicly recognized and rewarded at the Division, College, and University level.

Goal 5: Ensure that the educational experience provided for wood science students is fulfilling and rewarding on a professional and personal basis.

  1. Ensure that program faculty provide high quality student advising.
  2. Maintain an active student chapter of the Forest Products Society or Society of Wood Science and Technology.
  3. Develop out-of-the-classroom learning experiences for our students, including participation in faculty research and opportunities to perform projects for industry for independent study credit.
  4. Offer at least three undergraduate scholarships per year earmarked for wood science students.

Goal 6: Achieve placement of all Wood Science and Technology graduates seeking employment.

  1. Develop and maintain contacts among potential employers, especially alumni.
  2. Keep students informed of current job postings.
  3. Develop students’ job-hunting skills and career planning through FOR 203.
  4. Maintain a high quality internship experience through WDSC 491.
  5. Provide mechanisms for alumni and employers to provide feedback that could lead to improvement of our students’ career success.